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Call-Outs and Call-Ins (Forthcoming)

Journal of the American Philosophical Association, with Kelly Herbison

  • Call-outs and call-ins function in really strange ways as norm regulators...


Manne, Moral Gaslighting, and the Politics of Methodology (Forthcoming)

Logos & Episteme

  • It's not clear whether moral gaslighting is indeed a kind of gaslighting


Conceptual Engineering and the Ethics of Virtual Reality (Forthcoming)

Ethics and Information Technology, with Tom Montefiore

  • A genealogy-inspire conceptual engineering framework is a particularly useful for thinking about the ethics of VR


Is Artificial Intelligence Really 'Out of Control?' (Invited)

Springer Collection on AI, with Ines Hipolito

  • Kind of, but not really. Just power-imbued social relations get in the way of change. 


Moving in the Right Way: Social Movement and their Obligations (Forthcoming)

Studies in Social Philosophy, Springer, with William Tuckwell.

  • Social movements do in fact have obligations... but its tricky.


Fanaticism in the Manosphere (2023)

The History and Philosophy of Fanaticism, Routledge, with Mark Alfano.

  • It's weird how the RedPill community is so good at conceptual engineering...


On the Non-Knowing of Animal Suffering (2023)

Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective

  • Non-human animals can indeed suffer from hermeneutical injustice, and gatekeeping epistemic injustice is advised against. 


Can Conceptual Engineering Actually Promote Social Justice? (2022)


  • Only one approach to conceptual engineering appears to be able to do what we expect to promote social justice.


Don't Count Truth Out Just Yet: A Response to Isaac (Forthcoming)


  • Truth and knowledge are significant for the conceptual engineering of ideological concepts. 


Agency, Power, and Injustice in Metalinguistic Disagreement (2021)

The Philosophical Quarterly

  • Unjust power often affects the kinematics of metalinguistic disagreement, and this results in distinctive forms of epistemic and linguistic injustice. 


Rethinking Epistemic Appropriation (2021)


  • Epistemic appropriation often involves obscuring the epistemic resources of marginalised communities (owing to active ignorance).


Gaslighting, First and Second Order (2020)


  • Second-order gaslighting occurs when there is a disagreement over which concept should be used in a context, and the disagreement causes a speaker to doubt their interpretive abilities in virtue of doubting the accuracy of their concept.


Revision, Endorsement, and the Analysis of Meaning (2020)

Analysis, with Kai Tanter.

  • Conceptual engineering is consistent with the idea that meaning claims are prescriptions for usage.


Privileged Groups and Obligation: Engineering Oppressive Concepts (2019)

Journal of Applied Philosophy

  • Privileged groups have an obligation to significantly aid in the processes that give rise to the amelioration of oppressive concepts.


Ideology and Normativity: Constraints on Conceptual Engineering (2019)


  • Epistemic loss in conceptual engineering is permissible when the ameliorated concept can causally influence the world to make itself accurate.


What Defines a Conceptual Resource? (2019)


  • What relationship must hold for a set of concepts to be the conceptual resource of a group of people…?

Can Non-Human Animals Suffer From Hermeneutical Injustice? (2018)

Journal of Animal Ethics

  • Non-human animals can suffer from other-oriented hermeneutical injustice.


The Difference Between Killing Humanely and a Humane Killing (2018)

Journal of Animal Ethics

  • The meat-eating industry employs moral language to exploit our moral sensibilities.


There’s No Such Thing As Conceptual Competence Injustice (2017)

Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Co-Authored with William Tuckwell.

  • There are three reasons for thinking that conceptual competence injustice is not in fact a novel form of epistemic injustice.


How To Keep Minorities Out of Philosophy (2020)

Overland, Co-Authored with Kelly Herbison.



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